Uri Nissan Gnessin

A pioneer of Jewish prose during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Gnessin, along with Yosef Haim Brenner, played a key role in shaping modern Hebrew literature.
He established his own publishing house in Pochep with the goal of translating Russian classics into Hebrew.
Writer, Editor, and Translator
Ури Нисан Гнесин. Uri Nissan Gnessin
Издательство Нисионот, Почеп. Publishing house Nisionot, Pochep
Childhood and Youth in Pochep
Uri Nissan Gnessin was born on October 29, 1879, in Starodub to Rabbi Yehoshua Nathan Gnessin. The family soon moved to Pochep, where Gnessin spent his childhood. He studied in a cheder (a primary Jewish school) and later in a yeshiva (a higher grade educational institution after the cheder) alongside future writer Yosef Haim Brenner.
Despite his orthodox upbringing, Gnessin independently studied secular subjects with his father’s consent, and mastered several European languages.
In the mid-1890s, Gnessin and Brenner decided to publish a literary bulletin while studying at the Pochep yeshiva. They successfully launched monthly magazine Ha-Perach (The Flower), weekly newspaper Ha-Kayitz (Summer), and briefly, daily newspaper Ha-Kof (The Monkey).

Ha-Perach could reach up to 120 handwritten pages, featuring literary works alongside scientific and research articles. This continued until some yeshiva students, whose works were not published, spread rumors that the editors, Brenner and Gnessin, were leading students away from the Torah. Despite this, the magazine provided a platform for many of Gnessin's early works.
Город Стародуб. Базарная площадь, 1920 г. Starodub. Market Square, 1920
Starodub in 1920
Йосеф Хаим Бреннер 1908. Yosef Haim Brenner 1908
Yosef Haim Brenner, 1908
The National Library Of Israel, Abraham Schwadron Collection
Ури Нисан Гнесин. Uri Nissan Gnessin
In the late 1890s, Gnessin began traveling independently from Pochep to nearby cities like Gomel. During a brief stay in Warsaw, he met influential journalist Nahum Sokolow, who published the popular newspaper Ha-Tsfira (The Siren). Impressed by Gnessin’s works, Sokolow offered him an editorial position.
In the early 20th century, Ha-Tsfira was a leading Hebrew newspaper in the Russian Empire. In 1900, Gnessin moved to Poland, where he worked for the newspaper, contributing poems, literary critiques, stories, and translations.
In early 1901, Gnessin ended his collaboration with Ha-Tsfira and returned to Pochep, partly due to Warsaw’s harsh climate and financial difficulties. Gnessin's restlessness saw him moving from city to city, living in Borisoglebsk, Kyiv, Yekaterinoslav, and Vilna, with occasional returns to Pochep. He once confessed to Brenner: "A strange thing, maybe it's my nature, that there is no place I want to live. All I want is to constantly change my place of residence."
Although Gnessin's travels seemed random, he strategically visited cities where he could publish his works. When a magazine in Odessa accepted his story, he traveled there. However, as magazines closed or rejected his work, he decided to start his own publishing house.

In 1905, Gnessin and Shimon Bikhovski founded Nisyonot (Experiments) in Pochep to publish Hebrew translations of Russian classics and original works. They announced plans to publish Chekhov's works in the newspaper Ha-Meorer.
In the following announcement for the newspaper Ha-Meorer, Gnessin lists translations of Chekhov's works that were planned for publication by the new publishing house:
1) Talent and Lady N.N.’s Story;
2) The Pipe and Happiness;
3) Slime (Mire) and The Chemist's Wife;
4) The House with the Mezzanine and In the Cart;
5) Terror and Misery;
6) The Man in a Case and others;
7-9) A Dreary Story;
10) The Black Monk.
At the very bottom, one can read the inscription in Russian: "Agency of the Publishing House 'Nisionot', Pochep, Chernigov province. To Y.I. Kamsky or S.L. Bikhovski."
Gnessin was constantly traveling, searching for materials to publish, negotiating with people, and trying to raise funds for the publishing house. The work was exhausting and draining. He even reached out to Ivan Bunin in search of a suitable portrait of Chekhov to feature in the first edition of the translations.
The brochure of Chekhov’s translations was published in 1906, but by 1907, the activities of the Nisionot publishing house had ceased. Only three collections were published: Gnessin's own work In the Meantime and Chekhov's stories. Gnessin was so upset by the failure of the publishing house that he decided to leave Russia.
Написанное Гнесиным объявление о создании издательства «Нисионот» в Почепе. Опубликовано в журнале «Ха-Меорер» за февраль 1906 года. An announcement written by Gnesin about the creation of the publishing house “Nisionot” in Pochep. Published in HaMeorer magazine, February 1906.
Варшава. Вид Замковой площади, начало XX века. Warsaw. View of Castle Square, early 20th century
Нахум Соколов. Nahum Sokolow
Газета «А-Цфира» 14 сентября 1900 г. Newspaper “Ha-Tzfira” September 14, 1900
Warsaw. View of Castle Square, early 20th century
Nahum Sokolow
Harvard Library
Newspaper Ha-Tsfira, September 14, 1900
The National Library Of Israel
Вильно, синагога. Vilna, synagogue
Екатеринослав. Ekaterinoslav
Борисоглебск. Биржа. Borisoglebsk. Stock exchange
Екатеринослав, хоральная синагога. Ekaterinoslav, choral synagogue
Вильно. Театральная площадь. Vilna. Theater Square
Вильно. Vilna
Borisoglebsk. Stock exchange
Vilna, synagogue
Ekaterinoslav, choral synagogue
Vilna. Theater Square
An announcement written by Gnessin about the creation of the publishing house 'Nisionot' in Pochep. Published in Ha-Meorer magazine, February 1906.
Обложка произведения «Тем временем» издательства «Нисионот». Cover of the work “Meanwhile” by the publishing house “Nisionot”
Cover of the work In the Meantime ,
publishing house 'Nisionot'
The National Library Of Israel
А. П. Чехов «Болото» («Тина»), Титульный лист. Перевод У. Н. Гнесина. A.P. Chekhov “Swamp” (“Mire”), Title page. Translation by U. N. Gnesin
Slime (Mire) by A. Chekhov,
Title page.
Translation by U. N. Gnessin
London and Palestine
At the end of 1906, while in Pochep, Gnessin obtained a foreign passport and all the necessary documents for his departure. In 1907, at the invitation of his friend Yosef Haim Brenner, he traveled to London.
In London, Gnessin assisted Brenner in publishing the newspaper Ha-Meorer. However, within less than a year, the two friends had a falling out, and Uri Nissan attempted to relocate to Palestine. In November 1907, Gnessin arrived in Jaffa.
Типография Израиля Народицкого 48 Майл Энд Роуд, Ист-Энд, Лондон. Israel Naroditsky's print shop 48 Mile End Road, East End London
In 1908, Gnessin returned home to Pochep, where he spent four years, rarely leaving. His health deteriorated significantly during this time.
Israel Naroditsky's print shop 48 Mile End Road, East End London
He was unable to find work in the Promised Land. Moreover, as winter approached, the weather became damp and cold, which negatively affected his health. The situation around him was so disheartening that in letters to his father, Gnessin began to discourage him from moving to Palestine. "The Jewish soul lives in the diaspora," he wrote.
The video shows rare footage of old Jerusalem, filmed over 100 years ago, in 1897 (a colorized and sound-enhanced version).
In 1912, Gnessin moved to Warsaw, primarily because the medical care he needed was unavailable in Pochep. He had suffered from a disease for many years, a condition he ignored and kept hidden from his family. Two weeks before his death, he was moved to a new apartment. Prior to that, he had been admitted to a Christian hospital, but he refused to stay, feeling oppressed by the Catholic atmosphere. During the brief moments between bouts of pain, he read Chekhov, Tolstoy, and Ibsen.

At times, Uri Nissan spoke about death. He did so calmly, having come to terms with his fate. On the evening before his death, he asked for ice water and breathed with the help of oxygen. On February 21, 1913, Gnessin passed away at the age of just 34. He was buried in the Jewish cemetery in Warsaw.
A few weeks later, his friends gathered in Pochep to honor Uri Nissan’s memory. They decided that the best way to pay tribute to him would be to publish a collection of his works. In 1914, the book was published in Jerusalem.
Варшава, Старый город, 1912 год. Warsaw, Old Town, 1912
Warsaw, Old Town, 1912
Uri Nissan Gnessin lived in a multicultural and multiethnic society. When he began writing during his yeshiva studies, he was surrounded by people from various literary traditions, all of whom influenced him.
One of the reasons Gnessin chose Hebrew as his literary language was his deep knowledge of classical Jewish texts, which he had gained while studying in his father’s yeshiva.
"Beloved and clear to me had always been the quiet and beautiful river of my homeland, and it had always been close to my heart. But a few years of wandering are enough to erase from a person’s heart even things far more important than such as these. A certain blurring was enough for them and caused that dear river of mine to fade in the slightly troubled mind of a cherished child.
In the great distance, on the broad plain to my left, I saw a tall chimney standing out, puffing black smoke, and beyond the gardens stretched out to my right, far behind that soft birch grove that gleamed white at the top of the mountain enclosing them, a sparkling glass dome rose, shimmering silver in the air. I had completely forgotten then that this was the same dome I used to see in the days of old, emerging and standing out from the grand palace of the duke in the village — the very one whose trees surrounded it and whose steep gardens to my right also belonged to him."
Uri Nissan Gnessin,
In the Gardens
Uri Nissan Gnessin is commemorated in Israel, with several cities having streets named after him.
«Антология ивритской литературы». "Anthology of Hebrew Literature"
Ури Нисан Гнесин, «Около» и другие рассказы» (2005). Uri Nissan Gnessin "Besides & Other stories"
Here is an excerpt from his story In the Gardens, where the description of nature resembles an impressionist painting with light, airiness, and a sense of melancholy:
Ури Нисан Гнесин, «В стороне», издание 1977г. Uri Nissan Gnesin, “Besides”, 1977 edition.
Uri Nissan Gnessin, Besides, 1977 edition
The National Library Of Israel
Ури Нисан Гнесин. Uri Nissan Gnessin
The full story In the Gardens can be read in Hebrew in the collected works of Uri Nissan Gnessin on the website of the National Library of Israel, and in Russian in the Anthology of Hebrew Literature.
The most remarkable aspect of Gnessin is the richness of the Hebrew language in which he wrote over a century ago, in Russia, far from the land of Israel and far from spoken Hebrew.

Gnessin differed from his friend Yosef Haim Brenner and his contemporaries by consciously avoiding political issues. He had no interest in socialist or any other ideology. Instead, he focused on the aesthetic aspects of literature, on how art can convey subtle emotions.

Existing translations of Gnessin's works into other languages include:
  • The Othello Case (Yiddish: Berlin, Klal Farlag, 1922)
  • Sideways (English in Eight Great Hebrew Short Novels: New York, NAL, 1983, and Spanish in Ocho Obras Maestras de la Narrativa Hebrea: Barcelona, Riopiedras, 1989)
  • Besides (French: Paris, Intertextes, 1989, and Noël Blandin, 1991)
  • In the Gardens (Russian: Moscow, RSUH University Press, 1999)
  • Besides & Other Stories (English: New Milford, USA/London, Toby Press, 2005)
Uri Nissan Gnessin
from the book ha-Tsidah archive.org
Anthology of Hebrew Literature
Besides & Other Stories (2005)
The writings of Uri Nissan Gnessin
The National Library Of Israel
The writings of Uri Nissan Gnessin
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* פוצ'פ (hebrew) - Pochep